
TMMOMK part 3

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Lol, it’s time for PART THREE!!! And the end of his adventures… OR IS IT??? Just wait and find out…=D

Boy, having three people making a story at the same time sure gets confusing… Especially with all those posts to copy and paste from. >< But enough about me, ON TO THE STORY!


"Oh noes!!" They all said. Surely the wrath of the Green Thunder wasn't good.

"Well, Chocolatebananableck knows that Meta Knight, Sword and Blade can whoop a** in a New York minute, pointed out Chocolatebananableck."

"Oh, no. OOOOOOH no no no no NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Said Meta Knight. "There is NO way that I would EVER go and FIGHT in this outfit!"

"We agree!!" added Sword and Blade.

"Oh, so NOW you choose not to wear the outfit." Said MK, sarcastically.

"No," S&B replied, "We don't want the outfits to be ruined. They're FABULOOOOOOOUS!!~"

Meta Knight face palmed.

"Aaaaargh," said CT, who had just come up with a sneaky idea. "Would ye be willin' ta do it fer a bottle of rum?"

Meta Knight paused. "N-nooo..."

"How 'bout two, then?"

This time the pause was longer. "noooooooooo..."


"...YES!!" He leaped after the rum, and drank it faster than one could ever imagine. He was drunk as a skunk.

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Yelled DMK ( Which is what we shall refer to Meta Knight Drunk as), "LET'S WHOOP SOME A**!!!!"And with that, he flew off.

"...Hey, Sword and Blade, said Chocolatebananableck! why aren't you following him!?"

"Well," said Blade, "We like these dresses."

"Well, if you don't go now, Chocolatebananableck will MAKE you go!! NOW GO!!"

"Awwwww..." They moaned. And they followed their sloshed leader towards the undead army.

"We might as well start makin' a plan, me mateys." Said CT.

And so they started working on a plan.

"So, me heartys... we could always use Rosalina as bait." CT suggested.

"WHAT???" Rosalina exclaimed. "T-that's a horrible idea!"

"Well jeez, lassie! I was just making a suggestion..."

"Chocolatebananableck has a better idea. She thinks that if one could distract the other author while the other takes care of the zombies, they could defeat them."

"Yargh, that be a great idea! But how do we do that?"

"Well..." Chocolatebananableck continued whispering her plans to the group. Meanwhile, DMK S and B were making a bit of a scene at the battlefield.

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" DMK yelled as he flew through the zombified characters. "Y-you jerks can't lay a FOOT on meeeeh!"

"Umm..." Sword interrupted. "I think it's hand, not foot."

"SHUT UP!" DMK roared back. "I CAN S-SAY WHAT I WAAANT!!!" He then ran into a tree.

"Oooh... that looked like it hurt..." Blade remarked.

"...are you sure we really need to fight them?" Dry Bowser asked GtF. "It looks like they'll take care of themselves..."

"NONSENCE!" GtF shouted. "We can't underestimate them!" He looked back at Mr. L and said, "RELEASE THE SMART BOMBS!!! ...and bring me a waffle."

" Oh, God, says Chocolatebananableck. Not the Smart Bombs!!!"

"Argh," Said CT, "We're gonna need a PRET-TY distractin' diversion in order to get tat ARMY distracted.

Rosalina looked down at the warriors. "Well, they seem pretty distracting."

"That may be, lassie, but they aren't distracting ENOUGH..."

"So, according to what she's hearing, Chocolatebananableck is supposed to believe that she and Captain Teeny are to summon the most annoying character in the universe... But who, she questions?"

They pondered. Who was the most annoying character in the universe??

After throwing more Smart Bombs, Dry Bowser approached GtF.

"WHAT!?!" He said. "Why'd I say that earlier??? Geno the Fierce, were you using your authoring powers...AGAINST...ME!?!?"

"No my Lord Dry Bowser," GtF responded. "i-it was the girls over there, their writing skills are strong..."

"Well not strong enough on my watch, Geno, you know what to do!"

"Yes master!" The Smart bombs Mr.L had tossed towards the living lied there on the ground, unactivated, when suddenly GtF used, "Geno Blast!" a shower a lasers beamed down from the clouds targeting each an every smart bomb. KABOOOM!!!

The field was cloaked in thick smoke yet again as the zombies moved in for the kill.

Mr.L, however, waltz on over to Princess Rosalina.

"Please! Don't hurt me! I have Lumas to raise!" she pleaded.

"Hurt you?" Mr.L chuckled. "No, I came over to tell you that I feel like I've seen you before, maybe in my dreams? That's right! You look like my next girlfriend..." he said smoothly.

"Oh brother, like I'd go with you." Rosalina scoffed. "I need a man who can understand and sympathize with my calm peaceful emotions."

At that moment, deep inside Mr.L, the part of him that had Luigi still conscious, Luigi just cried a little there.

After another round of smart bombs, CT glared at GtF. "At the moment, I be thinkin' that he's the most annoying..." Just then, she got an idea. "YARGH! I be knowin' who to choose! Why not Navi?"

CBB shuddered "'Isn't that a little harsh?' Chocolatebananableck asked."

"I think that we need to be a little harsh..." Rosalina said as she looked at the oncoming army.

"'Hmm...' CBB said as she considered bringing in Navi. 'I suppose we have no other choice.'" And with that, Navi suddenly appeared.

"HEY!!! LISTEN!!!" Navi immediately started being her usual annoying self.

"Yargh, I'm sick of her already..." CT complained.

Meanwhile, MK and crew were still being... well, weird.

"D-DAMMIT YOU STUUUUUPID TREEEEE!!! Don't g-get in mah waaayyy!!!" Meta Knight yelled. He then started cutting down the tree.

"Uhh, sir?" Blade said quietly. "I think that you're supposed to be attacking them..." He said, pointing to the confused Mario zombies.

"Don't f******' t-tell meh wat to dooo!! *hic*"

Meanwhile, with the heroes...

"AAAAAAUGH!!! JUST GET HER AWAY!!" Pleaded Rosalina.

"HEY!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!!! LISTEN!!!LISTEN!!!LISTEN!!!" Yelled Navi.

"'Navi, the authors need you to go to the guy waaaaay over there and annoy the living s*** out of him,' instructs Chocolatebananableck. 'NOW GO!!!'".

And so Navi flew off, still being repetitively annoying.

" Chocolatebananableck still thinks that the authors and Rosalina are being a bit mean. 'I mean, it's Navi,' she points out."

CT smirked. " Argh, me third-person speakin' lass, ye got ta be a little mean to prove a point."

Meanwhile, Navi had reached GtF's ear, unnoticed. She then let out the loudest scream ever.



And, now back to the drunk and his sidekicks...

"WHAT ZA F*** IS F****** WRONG WIFF JOO, JOO F****** TREE!?" said DMK.

"Sir," Said Sword, "it's a tree. It's not going to listen."


Meanwhile, GtF was looking at Navi.

"HEY!!! LISTEN!!! HEY!!! LISTEN!!!" she yelled.

"....OMG NAVI! I'M A HUGE FAN!!!" GtF then proceeded to hug her to death. He noticed this and looked at her again. "…OH WELL!" He continued to hug her, but not soon after Link appeared behind him.

“Just what do you think you’re doing to my fairy???” Link asked angrily.

“Uhh… I’m hugging her. Duh.”

Link took a closer look and gasped. “YOU’VE KILLED HER!!!”

“Yeah,” GtF responded. “She’s way to fragile. You might want to fix that…”

“I’LL KILL YOU!” Link yelled. “I wanted to be the one to do that!”

GtF just shrugged and imagined him out of existence. “Now then…” He turned his attention back to the girls. "You're going to have to do better than that to phase me!" he taunted.

"Crap, our plan failed... CBB said bitterly."

"Don't worry lass, I know just what to do... After all, I be his best friend... for now."

Suddenly, a 1up shroom appeared over Daisy's head. She was turned back to normal and teleported to the side of GtF. His eyes widened on horror.

"Oh no..." he said quietly.

"Why am I here???" She said. Then she noticed GtF. "Oh! HI I'M DAISY!"

"OH GOD WHY???" He yelled. GtF then used his...finger bullets and killed the princess again. But just when he thought he was rid of her, another shroom appeared and revived her again. "No..." He gasped.


Elsewhere, MK was more delusional then before. "WTF ARE DESE FISH DOIN' IN MAH MASK?!?" He ripped off his mask and flung it as far as he could. "I DUN LIKE FIIIISH!!!"

"Sir, calm down!" Blade pleaded.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" He then flung his knaves' helmets off as well. "Dere's fish in yurs tooooo!!"

Blade and Sword blushed, embarrassed that their faces were now exposed to the world.


"Wait, realizes, Chocolatebananableck!! He's distracted!! Now's the authors' chance!"

"Yargh, ye be right!" Shouted CT. "Let's go!"

And with that, the authors unleashed an epic Final Smash.

"EPIC FINAL SMASH," They yelled, "ERASE!!"

And with that, the zombie army was erased into nowhere.

"MASTER DRY BOWSER‘S ARMY!!" Yelled GtF. "I'll get you for that!!!"

Then, they unleashed a final blow that was so strong, it even impressed Chuck Norris himself.

The authors landed on the ground, exhausted from how much energy went into the blast.

When they took a good look around, they realized that they had blown themselves out of the universe entirely, leaving only CBB, CT, and FtB, to find the true victor in the white, endless void.

"Well," gasped GtF, "I guess we'll find the true champion now."

"Argh, ye're goin' down, matey!!" Yelled CT, panting.

"The protagonists shall destroy you with full haste, said Chocolatebananableck."

Just as the authors were about to use their writing abilities to destroy their adversaries, they found that nothing happened.


"Argh, it seems like it." Said CT.

And so, the authors would have to find the true winner by using the good old fashioned way.


...Which they WERE just doing, but this time, with no powers or helpers or that junk!!


"Yargh, this be it then. It's two against one, matey." she said confidently. "Yer' not gonna be winnin' this round."

"Ah, but your forget..." FtB said. "I'M A BOY AND BOYS ARE STONGER!"

"CBB cannot believe what she is hearing, CBB gasped!" The two girls looked at him furiously.

"Well it‘s true…" FtB replied nervously. "Really, I-" before he could finish his sentence, CBB and CT tackled him.

"Yer not gettin' away with that remark!" CT yelled. She was about to knock him senseless when she stopped and thought. "Why are we fightin' anyways?" She asked.

"CBB thought for a moment and responded, 'I'm not really sure anymore,'"

"Well..." FtB said. "I guess we should figure out how to get outta here instead of fighting..."

"Of course, fightin' be kinda fun..."

"Isn't THAT the truth, said CBB??"

"Yeah, but still. It's better to SURVIVE."

"Yargh, that also be true..."

So, they looked for a way out of the blank land.

"CBB is confused. It just keeps going and going, she remarks!!"

"But there's GOT ta be a way out, lass!!" Exclaimed CT.

"Yeah, CBB knows, bu- HEY, WHAT'S THAT!?"

"Huh!?: The other two looked up.

Out on the horizon was a small purple speck.

"What do you suppose it is?" asked FtB.

"CBB doesn't know, but it COULD be a way out, she says!"

And so, they ran towards the speck, in hopes of escaping.

They ran for quite a while, but the speck barely got any bigger. "What be all this? This is madness!"

"Madness?" FtB asked. "THIS-IS-NOTHINGNESS!!!"

"CBB was going to say that..." Then suddenly, CT stopped.

"This be gettin' us nowhere."

"Yeah..." FtB said. "We need to-!" Just then, a trap door opened up beneath the three tired wanderers.

"HOLY S***!" They all said in unison. They were falling down a dark and what seemed to be very long tunnel. It went on for miles, and eventually they got bored of falling. Just as they were finishing their 3rd game of go fish, they finally landed (somehow alive).

"W...what is this?" FtB asked, dumbfounded.

"Whoa. This is..." FtB looked around at the blackness, which was soon followed by a giant, red curtain pulling in front of everyone. The curtain then suddenly pulled away, with familiar faces, everyone was BACK! The only thing different was everyone and everything was Paper Mario-atized, and Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door battle music was playing.

"Cool! Master DryBowser, myself and his army is are Paper Mario Style! Shweeeet.....oh, and those girls and her friends are too." he said with a scowl.

"CBB can't express how happy this makes her!" she said in delight.

"Yarg, not this again..." she groaned, then let out a sigh.

What will happen in this newfound Paper Mario Style battle? Find out next time in....CHAPTER 2!
HA! It's not over yet! We're just taking a little brake.

Three people get's confusing...>.> Boy. I think it was a little shorter this time though.

Is it just me, or was there not that much MK in this MK fanfic? @.@
© 2008 - 2024 TeenyDragator
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lindsy95's avatar

wow this is funneh. so I geuss its discontunued right :D